Saturday, October 17, 2009

Week 2 Wrap Up

Another UBC week comes to an end.  I have to admit that this week was a lot easier than last week!  I didn't appreciate moving after workouts until waddling for 3 days after my first butt burner!  Luckily, my muscles assimilated to the increased work load.  While I am still sore, I can still move and don't feel like I'm going to collapse when I walk.  We also had our recipe night for UBC Friday night, and that was so much fun!  We had a small turnout, but got to taste some really great food and had tons of fun with the relay (well, I did anyway)!  It was really nice to get to know some of my teammates better.

I'm feeling like I'm finally "getting it" in my workouts.  First starting, I had so much to remember, the form, filling out the book, eating, fatiguing muscles.  The second half of this week, it all started to click.  I still have some form things I'm working on for kickboxing, but I feel like the xertube resistance is going really well.  I can focus on working the muscles, rather than wondering if I'm doing things right.  Eating has been getting easier also.  I kept it really simple this week, the same five or six meals/snacks in various combinations.  I ate about 2 pounds of celery by myself in two weeks.  I must admit that I'm ready for a little more variety in the coming weeks!

The highlight of my week occurred yesterday in kickboxing.  The class was definitely stepped up from last weeks' classes, higher intensity, more intricate combos, so I pushed myself in this class.  We ended with jumping roundhouse kicks (I think.  I'm not totally down with what I'm doing yet!).  I was sharing a bag with a gal who was taller than me (shocking, I know!), so I suggested we put the bag up some for her.  She gratefully agreed, except she put it up a bit higher than I expected.  And, it turned out to be really great for me, because I had to jump higher to make sure I didn't kick the base of the bag.  I got an even better workout, and really pumped up my workout to a level I wasn't expecting.  I was pretty darn proud of myself!

This week, my biggest goal is making it to the Tuesday 6 am resistance bands class.  I can't make it in the evening, and I could work out with my bands at home, but I'd rather do it there.  It's a mental thing for me!  So far, the plan is to sleep in my workout clothes, roll out of bed at 5:30, eat a protein bar, and head to class.  I do not plan on making it a habit, but maybe I'll like it!  Physically, my goals are to continue working as hard as I possibly can.  I have definitely had mornings where I just didn't feel like going, but once I'm there, it's game on.  I immediately get into the mind set, and just go for it.  I'm really starting to understand how much of "I can't" is purely mental.  It's been making me wonder what I've missed out on because I limited myself.  The best part about realizing that is the fact that I can change that.  Now.  It's definitely been giving me new perspectives in my day-to-day life.  The benefits of this challenge have already extended so far beyond the physical.  I'm starting to wonder not only what I will look like, but also who I will be after these 10 weeks.  It's quite a journey, and I'm so glad I signed myself up for this!

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