Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Still Kickin', but Maybe Only Until Tomorrow!

As of today, I have two kickboxing classes and one resistance band class under my belt.  I have this to say; We are not in Kansas any more Toto!

My coaches have all been saying take it easy the first week or two to get the form down.  I have discovered that I either a) think I'm far more capable than I am or b) have no idea what the term "take it easy" means.  After Monday's class, I found I was pretty sore almost immediately afterwards, which culminated in a very bad headache by bed time.  I also fell asleep at 6, woke up at 8 to kiss my kids good night, and promptly went back to bed at about 10.

Yesterday, I decided I would go to the 7:30 pm resistance class, because I didn't think my body would function at 5 to make it to the 6 am class.  I was right!  I was lucky I woke up to get the kids on the school bus!  After my breakfast, I popped a couple Excedrin back and body, since I still had the headache.  That helped immensely to get me through the day!  I am going to buy stock in Excedrin! At class, I was able to do most of the exercises with ease with the lowest resistance band, so next time, I'm excited to try more resistance.  I felt good knowing I'm not a complete pansy!

That brings us to this morning's class-the infamous Butt Blaster.  I heard about it both Monday and Tuesday, so I was a little nervous going into it.  It lived up to it's reputation!   While performing the exercises wasn't too technically difficult, my booty and legs had enough about halfway through the class.  I was tired, sweaty, and shaky when I left the gym today.  I just about died climbing the 3 stairs from the landing to the kitchen!  As I ate my post workout protein bar, I wondered "exactly how am I going to get in the shower?"  It turns out, the shower wasn't the hard part.  Taking my jeans off, standing on one leg and then the other darn near put me over the edge!

It's been wild!  The most impressive thing to me, above and beyond the soreness, is the intense desire I have to do everything.  When I started the challenge, I was a little bit casual in my attitude.  I'm not hugely overweight, so I don't have a lot to work with, in terms of pounds lost.  I decided "I'm not going to win anything, so I'm just going to do this for me."  After the first three days, man, I want to win this thing!  I want to finish this 10 weeks and be the top contender!  It bothers me that I'm not going as hard in classes right now.  It bothers me that I can't do everything, even taking it down a notch.  I can't think of a time where my body has rebelled against me, and I didn't say to it "ok, we'll stop then."  Not today.  I was sick to my stomach, hot, and my muscles were trying not to cooperate.  I could feel my wrists and arms wanting to buckle, and some times they did.  But I pushed myself back up, every time, thinking "no, we aren't done yet.  You will finish this."  I expected to obtain that kind of resolve at some point during the 10 weeks, pushing myself beyond what I thought I could do.  I never imagined it would happen 3 days in!  It renewed my excitement, and these next 10 weeks are going to be the most intense of my life, because I'm more intense than I ever have been.

I was joking in my Sunday post about this being the start of the rest of my life, but now, I don't think that's a wrong statement.  This is definitely the start of something that's going to carry over into the rest of my life, and I am finally ready for it.

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