Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Midweek Muscles-week 7

This morning, I did not want to get out of bed, let alone go to a butt burner workout!  I went out at 8:30, in my bathrobe to start my car, so I could be nice and toasty on the drive.  I then came in the house and began an internal argument about whether or not I was going to go to my workout.  It ended with me telling myself "you already started the car!  Get out there!"  And off I went.

Wednesdays are the hardest days for me because I don't enjoy bust burners.  I hate squats and lunges.  I don't move enough for my liking.  I can't keep my back straight, so my instructor always has to correct me (and after 7 weeks, I've almost got it right!).  I don't feel a sense of accomplishment like I do after other kick boxing classes, although, I did use 25 lb. kettlebells for the first time today.  The extra motivation of "you'll enjoy it once you get there" is not present on Wednesdays.  So why do I convince myself to go?  I figure, it's like eating your vegetables, er, well, the ones you don't like.  They're good for you, they'll benefit you in the long run, your body will thank you.

As I sit here and write, going over the details of today's class in my head, it's funny the things that start jumping out at me.  I did two laps of lunges with 15 lb. kettlebells, and they were fairly easy, so I'll probably bump up to 20 lbs next time.  And I just about made it all the way around in the weird push up/hold yourself up thingy we do, which I've never gotten that far around before.  Perspective.  Just a little change in perspective can spin the whole situation.  I've gone from feeling like I didn't do much today to feeling like I had a really good class.  I don't like the class any more (don't think that's going to change), but it makes it seem more worthwhile to reflect on the changes.

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