Saturday, November 14, 2009

End of week 6-Four weeks left!!

The weeks have been flying by, and I can't quite believe I only have four weeks left of my UBC!  One month left to get myself in shape!  I kicked things up this week, squeezing in an extra workout, and upping all my bands for resistance training.  It feels good to push myself to improve on things.  The highlight of my week was definitely my Friday kickboxing class, where I kicked so hard, I knocked myself off my feet and gave myself a beautiful green, purple, and blue knot on my shin!  Don't worry; my pride was far more hurt than my shin was.  More than that though, I am sore today.  My abs are sore from kicking so hard, as are my legs.  I haven't felt this sore since the first week!  This is my achievement for the week!  I like being sore because it confirms that I am working as hard as I am able, and that I'm changing my body for the better.  Another great moment for this week, I wore shorts to my workout this morning, and noticed for the first time the definition in my legs starting to take shape in my thighs.  There is absolutely nothing more motivating than the visual cues that things are paying off!  Plus, I discovered I had to use the drawstring in my shorts for the very first time since purchasing them.  Another great discovery this week!

All in all, not a very exciting week, but a motivating one.  Seeing and feeling results is such a satisfying event, especially when you decide to step things up and push harder.  At this point in the challenge, that's my main thought, "Am I giving all I can give?"  Keeping that in mind has helped me to push myself to go harder and faster, when I feel like I have no more to give.  And I feel like I'm making progress, whether it's going up in bands or seeing muscle definition in my legs.  It's nice to see and feel that progress too.  All too often with exercise/weight loss, the changes and the progress is so little or so slow in coming, that it's discouraging.  I've been seriously trying to lose weight for over a year now, starting first with, going vegetarian, working out on my own.  I've seen results with all of the things I've done, but I quickly lost interest and/or motivation.  But the important thing is that I haven't given up.  Looking at my progress now, I'm really glad I didn't give up!

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