Tuesday, June 2, 2009

DQ Don't!

So here I am on day 3 of a 3 month challenge to get fit and lose weight through self.com. Now, supposedly, I can win a trip to Antigua, but since my chances are slim, we'll ignore that part of the challenge. I signed up because I needed to do SOMETHING. This has a food and workout log, plus all sorts of charts and stuff to map my progress. Everything I wanted without making me obsessive, which I found is a very real pitfall for me.

This is actually the second time I've looked into losing weight by counting calories and exercise (read: no fad diets!). The first time was when I joined Sparkpeople.com. I did really well the first month, ok the second month, ok the third, and then I got sick, and I never recovered! Even worse though, I became obsessed with calories; wondering how many were in every thing I encountered, whether I was eating it or not. Food became the enemy, and once that happened, I knew I was not on a good path and bailed! Now, I highly recommend SparkPeople. I think they are a great organization, and have helped many people. It just wasn't right for me.

So what makes this time different? Well, for starters, I am looking at a calorie range, rather than a strict 1200 regimen. I actually want to eat between 1200-1600 calories a day. This allows for some splurges and treats, and also some good stick to your ribs food. Once I have that range in my head, it's far easier for me to plan around it, rather than try to fit it in. I don't feel like I'm cheating if I eat 1350 calories instead of 1200, and it's just a general FYI to keep me on track.

Anyway, the long explanation culminates in this: Don't eat Dairy Queen! I'm a big fan of the nutritional menus at many restaurants, to find where my favorites fit in. I know the least calorie choice for many restuarants, and I know which ones to favor over others (McD's burgers for instance have far less fat and calories than a comparable Burger King burger!). I've never thought to take a look at Dairy Queen though because A) I don't eat a meal there and B) if I'm having ice cream, I don't really care about the calories! Unfortunately, I looked tonight. I don't think I will ever eat at DQ without feeling like an oinker! I saw foods on their menu that weighed in at 105% of total daily fat allowances and 130% of saturated fat! HOLY MOLY! Now, the item I was jonesing after was a brownie batter blizzard. Layers of brownie chunks, gooey chocolate batter, and of course, soft serve ice cream. 610 calories for a small! I didn't eat that many calories at my dinner!!! In fact, my total for lunch and breakfast calories were about that. That was all the information I needed. No DQ for me tonight.

Luckily, my chief motivator and support man (AKA my hubby) had purchased some chocolate whips yogurt for my dining pleasure. 160 calories for the same satisfaction of a blizzard, and I won't have to do three extra work outs to pay for it. It pays to do the research!

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