Sunday, June 7, 2009

What's This I See?

Today was the day of truth. The day of reckoning. The day I stepped on the scale and see what it had to tell me. Yep, today was weigh in day. After completing 4 days of cardio (tough cardio) and watching what I eat, I am proud to report that I have logged a 3 pound loss for this week. 3 pounds! I'm very pleased with this, as I was aiming for 1, maybe 2 pounds tops. Very encouraging indeed!

I am pleased by the weight loss (who wouldn't be?), but I'm also proud of myself for other reasons. It was only my first week, and I'm already seeing a big improvement in my endurance for my cardio exercises. I did mostly kickboxing last week, which is a great workout, and I worked my tail off, so to see improvements already was a great bonus! We also didn't eat out much, and when we did, I got only low fat veggie entrees. Another gold star for me! One of my big motivators is a "virtal model" of me at 120 pounds. I had my husband help me refine the body type and size so it's a pretty close representation of me. It's the weight I was before I had my kids, so I remember what I looked like back then, and I know it's a weight I can achieve. Looking at the picture keeps me thinking, "that's what I'm after!" It's helping me keep my focus and motivation in a way I didn't think possible!

I decided on my rewards to motivate me to take it to the next level. My weekly weigh in reward is a glass of red wine every Sunday I post a loss. This gives me something to look forward to, and is a great relaxer before the next week. My 5 pound loss reward is going to be a new work out top, since I've got a shortage of them. I haven't figured out my 10 and 15 pound rewards yet, nor have I decided on how to celebrate reaching my goal of 20 pounds. I thought I would have some time to think about it, but if I post another 3 pound loss next week, I've already surpassed my 5 pound goal, and I'm well on my way to my 10 pound goal! Time to start planning!

I am encouraged by this week's results, both the weight lost and the workout improvements. It's really starting to come together for me, and I'm very excited about it.

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