Monday, May 11, 2009

When the World Gets You Down...

Get a top of the world!

As the excitement wanes from the newness of my vegetarianism, I'm finding the pull to just eat meat and quit worrying about it very strong. It doesn't help that I'm still not totally sure of myself and how to handle things like eating at someone else's house. I actually did have meat this weekend, in a bowl of homemade chili. I felt very conflicted as I ate, part of me feeling obliged and telling myself it was ok to eat it once, but mostly, it felt like I had sold myself out and took the easy path. I have a long family trip coming up, one that will involve over a week away from home, somewhat at the mercy of another's cooking. I'm nervous because it's my first time with family as a vegetarian, and also because I don't know what I'm going to eat.

I have also felt the draw of a juice fast again. It had waned as I eased into eating a vegetarian diet, but I feel its pull quite strongly. I've been reading quite a bit on the benefits and the renewal that happens while on a juice fast, and it intrigues me. The fast will be my foray into the real depths of vegetarianism and what I hope to achieve in my life by omitting meat from my diet. I want to be healthy well into my old age, and even though I've cut out meat, I've not cut out brownies, soda, and other marvelous things such as Cheetos. I truly want to be rid of these foods and the temptation of them. Now, more than ever, I am feeling the grossness of eating these kinds of foods, the heaviness in my stomach, the lethargy. I know I'm doing my body no good by slamming these things down, but my mind and my tongue get the better of me. I'm ready to make a clean break from my unhealthy vices, and continue on a new path. I have a lot of moments ahead of me that will test my resolve, so I want to be ready for them.

The pending juice fast date is May 20, and my goal is a 3 week fast. I will be on an impromptu vacation this weekend, which is why the fast is postponed. It's hard to juice fresh veggies on a 14 hour car ride! I'm also using this time to mentally prepare myself for this undertaking. I'm certainly excited, but also cautious, as I don't know what to expect. This will definitely be a time of growth!

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