Saturday, February 13, 2010


Because I am a slacker, and I should have been more on the ball but wasn't, I'm 3 weeks late with my new body challenge blog.  I know, I know, excuses, excuses.  But I have had a lot of homework. 

So big changes this UBC.  Since I loved it so much last time, I threw my name in the hat to be considered for a coach with this one, and lucky me!  I was picked to be co-coach with my bands instructor.  I was and am so excited to pay it forward to a program that did so much for me.  It's really amazing to have the perspective from "the other side", watching newbies come in, wanting to improve themselves, and guiding them on this journey.  Even in three weeks, this has to be one of the most motivated, fired up, ready-to-rock groups of people.  I can honestly say I am so proud of all of them for the work they've been putting in.  

The best part for me, is not only do I get to help these people succeed, I get to get down and dirty with them, kick boxing and leading the bands class.  That's what's so great about this program, you really are all in this thing together.  My goals for this time is 6.6% body fat lost.  It's a pretty ambitious goal for me, but it's really helped keep me focused on what I'm eating, and I've been far less inclined to sneak things here and there that aren't good for me.  One thing that I've noticed is that my shoulders are killing me!  I've already done this once, and I don't remember my shoulders being this sore!  I've just come to peace with the fact that my shoulders will probably be sore the entire 7 weeks remaining, and that's ok with me.  It just means I'm getting stronger and working hard.  It does make push ups difficult, however!  My other challenge this time is leading the 6 am bands class on Tuesday and Thursday.  I am up at 5 (or a few minutes later) those mornings, out the door by 5:35, and at the gym before 6.  Thank God I have a great group of people to work  out with, because those mornings are brutal!  

So the last three weeks have been great!  We have mid-evals in two weeks, and I'm very excited to see what kind of results everyone has.  I think a lot of people are going to be very surprised at themselves.  I'm hoping for some big numbers for myself too, mostly that body fat %.  I'm excited for the next 7 weeks too.  Hopefully, I can remember to get a weekly blog off to update this second part of my UBC experience.  

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