Saturday, April 25, 2009

What am I thinking?

Lately, I've been at a standstill. My weight loss program has lost it's oomph, and I'm back to eating whatever sounds good whenever the mood strikes. I haven't had a hit on my business in months, and I'm getting restless. My house is a mess, and I have no intention on cleaning it! It's times like this I find myself searching for something more in my life, but I'm afraid to put myself out there and take the risk. (*Insert pithy saying about motivation/risk taking/seizing the day here*)

The fact of the matter is, I like easy. That Staples Easy Button? I'd almost sell my soul to really have one! Almost. What's the matter with liking easy? Nothing. Nothing at all is wrong with liking easy. Easy brings close parking spaces, no lines at the bank, online billpay, and machine washable silk. What else does easy bring? Laziness, apathy, and lack of motivation. At least it does for me. It's easy to sit online all day, checking my Facebook every 5 minutes for updates. It's easy to find excuses not to further my photography business, from a lack of customers to a lack of confidence. It's easy for me to go to bed at night and wonder, "how did I waste another day?" Then, I get up and do it all over again.

So what's a girl to do? Go off the deep end of course and become a vegetarian! That's right, my solution to my lack in my current state is to cut meat from my diet, because that's new and exciting for me! Also with my new diet, the desire to try a juice fast, to rid my body of all things putrid and vile, and to slim down. I'm hoping this lifestyle jump will invigorate me and give me some guidance for the other areas in my life. These new endeavors will test my will, dedication, and planning abilities. The rest of my family will continue to eat meat, which means I must find alternatives to their meals. And I'm still not totally sure about eating at other people's houses either. I certainly don't want to be one of those snobby "I can't eat that. I'm a vegetarian." It's a new challenge that I hope will reward me with better health and a slimmer figure.

Now, I just have to break that to my inner 10-year-old that we don't eat cookies anymore.

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